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Unit 4- Smooth or Rough surfaces, which absorbs more heat?

I was really intrigued to find out whether heat absorption is greater if the surface itself isn’t smooth. I had initially assumed this would be the case due to its increased surface area but I wanted to back up this thinking with evidence. I collected this factual information through looking at a research article by a company who specialises in reliable energy development.

Evaluating the research I’ve gathered

Annotating this article helped me to grasp a greater understanding of the subject and even develop on initial ideas that I have been curating. Looking at the actual engineering side of architecture had really intrigued me and I would definately like to look deeper into this throughout the project. I also would like to research how heat energy can be converted and used. I came to the conclusion that rough surfaces are better heat absorbers so I would like to use this knowledge to develop my design further as I feel making innovitive design choices such as using a rough surface over a smooth surface as it’s more efficent at absorbing heat could make a significant difference.


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