With household emissions being at a yearly rate of 2.7 tonnes of CO2, global warming is increasing rapidly. I hope to create a design and model of a 100% self-sustaining building with little to no carbon footprint. I’ll broaden my research by looking at books, documentaries, and on-line articles. I intend to visually show the development of my design through drawings and mock make-ups of the building. There are already a few existing self-sustaining buildings that I know of, one of them being by Michael Reynolds (the 'Earthship') but I’d like to take a more modern approach aesthetically and create a somewhat ‘normal-looking’ house that would appeal to a larger audience. To start the project, I’m going to visualise my ideas by creating a board and watching videos on existing self-sustaining houses. I also want to look at other architects who have recently developed so-called ‘green’ buildings to discover how they have thought about the carbon footprint of their materials. I will do research into materials that will be suitable for my design, not only in terms of practical application and aesthetic appeal but in terms of their environmental impact and carbon footprint. While developing my ideas I want to explore different ways to mock up my designs including using CAD and 3D printing. Based on what I learn while producing mock-ups and experimenting with the different techniques to realise my ideas, I will decide on the best way to make my final piece.
To develop my ideas i researched the artists/ designers below and collected a large amount of infromation on sustainable architecture this has started to feed new ideas and approaches i could pursue.
My Presentation:
22/03/22 Journal entry
Presentation evaluation-
I'm happy I was able to complete my presentation as I was apprehensive to whether I'd have the confidence within myself to do it. Although I feel my actual presenting skills lacked the confidence and passion for my topic that I'd hope to display I feel the information the informaton I spoke was current and accurate. Given another go I would try to focus more on speaking slowly as I feel due to the fact I wanted to get lots of factual information in on sustainable design I lost the side of presentationg where you engage with the audience, but I feel with the given experince I now have this wouldn't be a problem now. The audience seem to engage with my chosen topic and I feel some were even excited by the prosepect of a new greener future. Doing the presentaton has motivated me to develop my ideas watching the other presentations has given me new fresh ideas and I discovered new artisits and designers. Overall i'm happy that we we're able to present our project proposals as it's a new confidence in my idea.