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Artistic identity 1

I will explore my identity through art and look at what represents 'me'. To do this I will look at the things that captured my imagination as a child, films, and programmes I used to watch, and the things that are current interests.

To begin this project I looked into biophilia, this is a very important topic to me and I feel it defines me as a person. I'm very passionate about making a space a healthy environment and how much your surroundings benefit you. I visualised this interest through a collage of images that I feel represent biophilic design, these images come from a number of different designers, one of those being Oliver Heath whom I speak about in greater detail later on in the project.

Following on from that I looked into actual Biophilic designs themselves, what I found really interested me, and I feel was carrying the same vibe that I want my future work to have. In particular, I really liked the 'Maggie Centre' which is a purpose-built cancer care unit in Scotland, as I think the approach they took to the build would have had a really positive effect on the patients staying there, such as their use of glass, allowing viewing of the landscape from nearly every part of the building.

Oliver Heath

Oliver Heath is an architect who specialises in Biophilic design, the aim of his work is to strengthen the connection between people and nature to hopefully in time support and improve physical and mental wellbeing. Heath's sustainable architecture and interior design practice are based on the evidence surrounding Biophilic design and he's ensured that these principles are embedded in each stage of the project.

The photograph on the right is of one of Heath's designs called the 'Mind studio' a wellness and meditation space, which he created in London. Careful consideration has been given to all aspects of the design; for example in the meditation studio, there is a floor to ceiling panel of living plants, which not only soothe, calm, and de-stress, lowering heart rates and blood pressure; but also have a physical impact on the environment by filtering out toxins and reducing Co2. The use of low volatile organic compounds and the HEPA filter air filtration system also serves to improve air quality, so important in an urban city setting. Natural, toxin-free materials were selected throughout to create a warm and inviting space, he selected the softwood, Douglas Fir to provide display units in the reception and retail area; this is left in its natural state so the beauty of the grain can be seen. To lower the environmental impact reclaimed materials have been used where possible. The use of natural light is maximized throughout the space and complimented with the circadian lighting and Himalayan Rock Salt lighting features, that offer a warm and soothing glow. There is a minimalist and uncluttered feeling to the layout with plants positioned carefully for maximum effect

To understand his design in greater depth I did a drawing of one of the rooms in the 'mind studio'.
Micheal Reynolds

To commence my research on Micheal Reynolds I compiled a selection of images that I felt showed the message I want to convey.

Micheal Reynolds 'earth ships' really interested me as they are almost 100% sustainable. Below is a quick sketch I did of the inside of one of Reynold's 'earth ships'.


My research taught me lots of new information on sustainable architecture and Biophilia

Planning my presentation

After completing my research on Biophilic designs I decided I wanted to show and speak about this in my presentation, as I said before I feel 'it defines me as a person.' I'm also going to speak about things that were important to me such as childhood programmes and art that I distinctly remember, that I feel influences my work now. I will show this through a PowerPoint presentation with written prompts, my aim is for it to be mainly visual, as I personally like to see things visually and feel this defines my identity.

My Presentation

To start off with 'My Identity' I thought back to childhood and what I felt really resonated with me; the life I remember from being a child revolved around cartoons and 'pretty pictures'. As I grew older this love matured but still lived on.

From a young age, I remember these posters being plastered across the walls of my Dad's 'art room', I would look at them for hours and indulge in their bright colours and contrasting tones. At the time I didn't really know the meaning behind them but I now learn that they are to convey messages of war and try and give direction to the public. Japenese propaganda posters were most popular in the second world war and one very famous poster called 'This is the enemy' was made after the Japenese catastrophically attacked Pearl Harbour the poster was supposed to show that the 'Japanese nation was a ruthless and animalistic enemy that needed to be defeated'. I didn't understand their meanings at the time but I could appreciate how well executed the posters were.

I've watched Studio Ghibli from a young age and always loved the bright colours and over-exaggerated facial expressions, one of my favourites as a child was Ponyo. Studio Ghibli is a Japanese animation studio that was founded in 1985 in Tokyo, Japan. The colours used in Ghibli's films are incredible and I'm really interested in the drawing that takes place before the animation and how every character and science is meticulously thought out, I feel Studio Ghibli has shaped the person I am today especially when it comes to the style of my art, Ghibli has influenced the colour palette I use today.

Ending on 'Biophilic interior design', probably one of the most current topics and personally the one that means the most to me.


This project really appealed to me as it gave me the opportunity to look back at things that have touched me as a child and are still very precious to me today, even now I never tire of watching Studi Ghibli animations. I have also been able to further explore my interest in biophilic design which I can see becoming core to all my work going forward. This approach totally resonates with my own way of thinking and I truly believe is the future for interior design. Nature provides us with endless possibilities, she is the master of colour, of clever, complex and intricate design. By bringing nature indoors it makes total sense to me that this can only serve to help to bring us better health and wellbeing. With the rapid rise in technology, we need to harness this and use this alongside what the natural world provides.


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